Pack de stickers Most Liked 2024
2024 semble avoir été une année étrange pour beaucoup de monde.
C’est en tous cas ce que reflète l’étrange collection de stickers expressifs que vous avez particulièrement aimés. Maintenant que l’année est terminée, voici les “Stickers Most Liked 2024”, qui partagent tous le même thème : “c'est compliqué”.
C'est compliqué.
Qu’est-ce qui est compliqué ? Ou plutôt, qu’est-ce qui ne l’est pas ?!
La vie, l’amour, les bagages émotionnels, une machine à trier des Skittles alimentée par des hamsters en rollers, et ce pack de stickers. Autant de choses compliquées auxquelles nous n’avons pas de réponses. Et ces stickers les plus likés de 2024 résument assez bien ces sentiments complexes.

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Nous avons interrogé les créateurs des stickers les plus likés de 2024 pour en savoir plus sur leur sticker “C’est compliqué”, et voici leurs réponses :

Love is messy, addictive, and sometimes impossible to quit- kind of likeeee the things we know we shouldn't want but just can't resist. This sticker is for those who know that some bad habits are just too good to quit.
Sticker imprimé sur holographique mat.

Aging is tough: endless phone calls, no more sleeping in, chia seeds, signing off with "kind regards" in emails, assembling IKEA furniture... but we can also choose to hop on a skateboard and shout : "Not too old for this shit!"
Sticker imprimé sur miroir mat.

Unpacking why some random dude thinks his comfort is entitled to my facial expression is hella complicated.
Sticker imprimé sur Pixie Dust.

Everything you’ve been wanting to say is written in these sweethearts. Eat my ass! Or don’t. I’m not gonna tell you what to do.
Sticker imprimé sur vinyle mat.

@HoldingSpace.co @TherapyJeff
As a therapist, this sticker serves as a reminder that mental health requires tuning into the complexities of our emotions.
Sticker imprimé sur transparent.

It’s complicated only until you start and take action.
Sticker imprimé sur miroir mat.

Breakups are messy. Capturing the chaos of drunk rage, self-distraction, and bittersweet humor.
Stickers imprimés sur transparent.

2024 was definitely a complicated year for me. Death, sorrow, I felt like I drowned. Sarcasm heals my mental health, and this particular design is a very good sample of how I handled emotions this year. Badly, but still there, and sparkly.
Sticker imprimé sur holographique mat.

Setting your boundaries that if someone in your life doesn’t spark joy then they should fuck right off is messy and complicated!
Sticker imprimé sur pailleté.

Compartmentalization can help, but like canned fish, it has an expiration date!
Sticker imprimé sur aluminium brossé.

Smile Now, Cry Later is based on the classic tattoo design with the dual masks of comedy & tragedy. To me this design means enjoy the good times while they are here. There are no guarantees in life.
Sticker printed on
Matte vinyl

The Gay Uno Reverse was created because all of us are terrible at taking compliments. But it doesn't have to be complicated if you can simply say Yes, And You Too!
Sticker imprimé sur
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Exclusif ? Vous pariez. Ce pack d'autocollants est aussi en édition limitée que possible – assurez-vous de le prendre pendant que vous le pouvez.