Meet the Artist @monikamitkuteart

Time to dive into the magical and slightly surreal world of Monika Mitkute. She lives in Dublin but is from Lithuania. She gets her inspiration from how other people act and do in everyday life, then some magic on top of that and we have Monika's wonderful art! We are so excited to collaborate with Monika for our especially springy, April Thank You Card.

23 mars 2023

Artist of the Month: Monika Mitkute
Thank you card April 2023: Monikamitkuteart

A glimpse into the creative world of Monika Mitkute.

We have a lot of questions to ask the always nice Monika. It will be exciting to hear what inspires her, what materials she likes and how did it all start? Here we go!

StickerApp: How would you define your style?

Monika: It’s a sprinkling of three ingredients; nature, surrealism and fairytales. Maybe someone reading this might come up with a good catchy title for me?

StickerApp: What’s your favorite technique?

Monika: I bounce back and forward between detailed ink drawings and loose watercolour work. At the moment I love mixing these two and finding just the right balance.

StickerApp: Who or what is your biggest inspiration/s?

Monica: People and places are an endless source of ideas. If you watch people there’s always some action or behaviour that can spark off an idea. Then I turn them into one of my characters and make a sticker for you to enjoy :-) Be careful out there, you’ll never know when an artist is hunting for ideas.

StickerApp: How did it all start?

Monica: Back in Lithuania I loved watching my grandfather work on his architecture drawings. He helped me to get into art school where I studied print making. And my granny always had lots of flowers in our home. It’s thanks to my grandparents and their passions that I aquired the foundation of my artwork, a mix of detail and nature.

StickerApp: Do you have a tip for those who are starting out?

Monica: Yes! There’s two pieces of advice I got from more experienced artists. Try to finish whatever it is your doing. This has helped with my art and confidence.

Another nugget of advice is to be open to collaborations. It’s led me to new ideas and opportunities I would never have discovered alone.

StickerApp: Favorite app/program?

Monica: Photoshop is my unofficial co-pilot, especially Kyle T. Webster’s brushes. And for social media it’s Instagram.

StickerApp: Why do you use StickerApp?

Monica: That’s easy. I know the quality of the work and your customer service will always be 10/10. I still have your stickers on my luggage from 2015 when my friend @mikko_heino gave me some stickers he just made with you. That’s how I discovered you.

StickerApp: What’s your favorite sticker material? why?

Monica: It all depends on the drawing or character. Holographic is probably the material I’ve used the most because it compliments colour work so well. But my new favourite is matte mirror and it’s silky smooth finish, I love it.

StickerApp: How do you use stickers for your own business/personal brand?

Monica: Stickers to me are no less than mini artworks - just the same as the original artwork the character came from. I like coming up with themed sticker packs and also making the stickers available individually. It’s a dream come true seeing all the unique and interesting places people choose to place my sticker pets. Thank you for adopting them <3


Thank you so much Monika, hope to see more stickers from you soon.

Thank you for taking the time to chat with us!
Want to see more? Please visit @monikamitkuteart
